Restless leg syndrome and its types

Basically, it is called a pain, disturbance or unpleasant feelings in your legs while doing any movement such as stretching your legs or twitching. Restless leg syndrome is a state in which an individual’s legs feel unable to rest or calm. Because unpleasant feelings arise in your legs that cause a strong urge to move your legs. This restless leg syndrome can affect your daily sleep and cause excessive daytime sleepiness. You can use Order Modafinil online uk to treat such problems. 

There are mainly two types of restless leg syndrome

Early onset

Late onset

Early onset- It is derived as the diagnosis that happens to the individual before the age of 45. It usually runs in your biological family history and the conditions progress slowly.

Late onset – This kind of RLS progresses more quickly, and it happens after the age of 45.

Symptoms, causes and risk factors of Restless legs’ syndrome are as follows;

There are some symptoms of RLS, which are 

Twitchy legs or jerk legs in the evening and during sleep 

Relief of discomfort when you move your legs

The RLS symptoms can also affect your sleep. It can cause excessive daytime sleepiness. For this, you can use Modafinil online uk. This problem can cause: 

Feeling fatigue 

Behavior or mood changes 

Difficulty in paying attention or remembering things 

Lack of concentration 

These sensations most often happen in your legs, and you may feel the, below feelings below, which are,






According to researchers, causes of restless leg syndrome are as follows:

Genetic – This kind of syndrome also arises in people from their parental background.

Iron deficiency-Lack of iron deficiency in your brain that causes sensations in your body called restless leg syndrome.

Pregnancy- RLS also causes mostly in ladies in her pregnancy stage or after pregnancy.

Kidney disease – Diseases in the kidney can also cause unpleasant sensations called restless leg syndrome. 

There are more things that are called triggers that make your RLS symptoms worse, which are 

Consume alcohol or drugs 

Usage of caffeine 


How to diagnose RLS and its treatment 

Restless leg syndrome can be diagnosed by using a physical exam by a health care advisor or doctor. Firstly, a doctor takes your blood test  or neurological exam to determine the cause of your symptoms. 

It is a series of tests that assesses mental status and its movements.  The doctor also asked about your sleep routine, and he studied your sleep to identify problems. If your results show sleeping problems like sleep apnea, you can Buy Modafinil UK for its treatment. 

Treatment of RLS may include taking medication or changing your routine at home to help to relieve your symptoms. Some people may reduce their symptoms if they work with their health care provider to manage other underlying health conditions.